Bosque de Atocha

Bosque de Atocha

Bosque de Atocha_Ficha

Our proposal tries to create an oasis in one of the most densely built and trafficked areas in Madrid. For this, we have distilled little by little, a series of ideas that come from materializing the given program with the best possible housing that seeks energy efficiency, comfort and finally incorporates an important component of sustainability that partially reconnects these homes with nature, creating a true integration of the vegetation with the most representative areas of each home, improving in a sustainable way the micro bioclimatic conditions, improving the quality of air, providing freshness and an odor that connects us with our interior animal.

The common areas have been specially taken care of in our design, with a little imagination, achieving to offer a wide amount of possibilities of leisure to its users, which culminate with the “advance” proposal that even includes making a pool on deck with great views of Madrid

Who saves a man, saves the world.

It is an exemplary story of aman who, after high tides, was throwing fish back into the sea; he was asked: “Why are you doing it, good man? Do you not realize that there are thousands of fish and that your work is small? “, he, throwing the one he had in his hands into the sea, answered “This one will live”.

Like that man, in our design, we are trying to create a small oasis in the form of buildings, which arouse curiosity ,  are enjoyed and are fully lived by their users  in a way our customers and staff can feel proud of.

A better world…

Without any doubt, we will continue developing our cities with buildings empty of ideas, with low energy qualification, with dehumanized neighborhoods, with homes designed without affection, without technical rigor with the sole aspiration that an Excel table fits but this one will not be one of those buildings, “this one will live”.